One morning I decided that I wanted to learn a new thing every day. So I decided to share my experience with everyone.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Resistance is futile

Today I intended to verify a citation from Star Trek: The Motion Picture. V'ger (SPOILER : If you have been living in a cavern for the last 28 years, don’t read this post) which is revealed to be the unmanned scientific probe Voyager 6, wanted to destroy the human race, which he refer as the carbon life-based.

I wanted to see how much this is true, since the most common citation are about that our body is constituted of about 70% of water. Obviously there’s no carbon in water so I was really wandering about this carbon thing.

It appears that carbon is a base element of our DNA and RNA. It’s also part of sugars, celluloses, chitins, alcohols, fats, aromatic esters, alkaloids, antibiotics, amino acids and proteins.

Another interesting fact is that the fat free mass of a human body is made of 70% of water. Note that the fat free mass is the total mass minus the total fat weigh. Since a normal man should have between 13 and 17 percent fat and a female should be composed of between 20 and 25 percent fat the real percentage of water in the human body should be closer to 58%.

Most of the articles on these pages are taken from different site. Since I tend to strip the article to only keep the essential, I don’t use quote because it would (to keep it simple). Link to the used resources are kept in the link section. If you want to know the sources for any particular article, just ask the question in the comment form.