The Cure for Insomnia, is a movie directed by John Henry Timmis IV, is officially the world's longest movie, according to Guinness World Records, as of its release in 1987. Running 5220 minutes (87 hours) in length, the movie has no plot, instead consisting of artist L. D. Groban reading his lengthy poem "A Cure for Insomnia" over the course of three and a half days, spliced with occasional clips from heavy metal and pornographic videos.
The movie is shot entirely on video, and its intended purpose actually was to be so unbelievably boring that it would put people to sleep thus curing insomnia. It is therefore disputed as to whether or not The Cure for Insomnia should even be considered as a candidate for the world's longest film in the strictest sense.
It was first played in its entirety at The School of the Art Institute in Chicago, Illinois from January 31 to February 3, 1987 in one continuous showing. It is not clear whether or not the movie has been shown since then. Considering that a DVD can only hold up to five hours of video at poor quality, The Cure for Insomnia would fill around 18 discs.
One morning I decided that I wanted to learn a new thing every day. So I decided to share my experience with everyone.
Friday, August 3, 2007
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