One morning I decided that I wanted to learn a new thing every day. So I decided to share my experience with everyone.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Elephants hear through their feet

A Stanford University team as discovered that elephant may hear through their feet. That right, the animal with the biggest ears can also use their feet to hear. Soft skin of the foot acts like a drum head to sense vibrations which travel from the toe nails to the ear by bone conduction. Foot stomping and low-frequency rumbling generated by one group of elephants are picked up by another group far away.

Researcher recorded the made by the elephants when a predator was around the herd. The later replay the recording in the ground, by sending the correct seismic vibration to find out that the elephants hearing it start acting as if a predator was near.

Most of the articles on these pages are taken from different site. Since I tend to strip the article to only keep the essential, I don’t use quote because it would (to keep it simple). Link to the used resources are kept in the link section. If you want to know the sources for any particular article, just ask the question in the comment form.